Saturday, February 28, 2009

Health advisory: omega-6 fatty acids help the heart

I received this artcile from the Personal Liberty Digest written by Bob Livingston. The article is about Omega 6 and it nutritional advantages and how it is found in natural foods. It is interesting that the American Heart Association is the advocate behind the study in the article. It is nice to see that they are finally catching up to what many people already know: naturals food are good for you. But better late than never.

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By Personal Liberty News Desk • Jan 30th, 2009 • Category: Health, Personal Liberty News

A new study highlights the benefits of natural foods, while another finds link between processed meat and serious health risks.
Omega-6 fatty acids - which can be found in nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils - have a beneficial impact on the heart and should be a part of a healthy diet, according to a recent advisory from the American Heart Association.
According to the association, numerous studies have indicated that replacing saturated fats with polyunsaturated fatty acids, of which omega-6 is one type, lowers the risk of heart disease by 24 percent.
That is because "[w]hen saturated fat in the diet is replaced by omega-6, the blood cholesterol levels go down," explains Dr. William Harris, director of the Metabolism and Nutrition Research Center at the University of South Dakota.
This seems to underscore the value of eating natural foods - such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats - as opposed to processed products. Reuters news agency has reported on a new study by researchers at Harvard which links the consumption of processed meats such as hot dogs to a greater risk of leukemia in children.
The human body does not have the capacity to produce omega-6 and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, but they play a crucial role in heart and brain function and in normal growth and development, concludes the AHA advisory.

George Pragovich
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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The AHA made sweeping statements that are not supported by the research, while disregarding studies that show omega-6 fats increase cancer risk.

    While I would not expect a heart scientist to be an expert on cancer, I would certainly hope that if heart experts are claiming that there is no harm from eating the current high levels of omega-6 fat, that they would use an inter-disciplinary approach to confirm their thinking. That's not what happened.

    Large studies from the USA, France and Sweden indicate a compelling link between high intakes of omega-6 fat and the development of breast cancer.

    For example, in a case-control study on nearly 1700 women, researchers demonstrated that women with a particular gene had a two-fold increase in breast cancer risk if they ate high levels of omega-6 fat.

    Yet, this genotype had no influence on breast cancer risk, if these women ate a lower omega-6 fat diet.

    In 1999, there was enough scientific evidence to prompt scientists to recommend an upper limit for omega-6 fats, to no more than 6.7 grams per day. This ceiling is based on eating a maximum of 3% fat calories from omega-6 fat.

    Now, ten years later, the American Heart Association is urging people to continue to eat more than double that amount.

    Conspicuously absent from AHA's report were the findings of the famous study, which made the Mediterranean diet a household name---the Lyon Diet Heart study.

    This large intervention trial involved two groups of heart patients from France, who were fed either a Mediterranean diet (low in omega-6 polyunsaturated fat) or a diet advocated by the American Heart Association, with indiscriminate use of polyunsaturated fats.

    The group eating the Mediterranean diet had a striking 70% reduction in all causes of death, including cancer, compared to the group eating the "heart healthy diet".

    If you interviewed, Michel de Lorgeril, the lead investigator of that famous study, he would likely disagree with AHA's advisory.

    Why? Because his study was specifically designed to be low in omega-6 fat, to mirror the indigenous mediterranean diet of Crete Islanders, who have a low rate of heart disease.

    Just last month, de Legoril chastised researchers for ignoring the omega-6 factor, "...the epidemiologists does not capture one major lipid characteristic of the Mediterranean diet, which is actually low in omega-6".

    These are just a few examples of the problems with AHA's advisory there is alot more to this story.
    What happened to do no harm? The issue of dietary omega-6 fatty acids.
    Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids.2009;80(1):78-79. Full Text Link:
    Evelyn Tribole, MS, RD
